About the Games

What are Scottish Highland Games and Festivals?

Highland Games are a popular sporting event in Scotland that attracts athletes and spectators from all across the world. Dating back to the days of Highland clans before the Jacobite Rising of 1745,  they were originally events hosted by clan chiefs in order to perform military exercises and conduct clan business. Today, they are a fun social event and are a part of the Scottish national identity! Fortunately, you don’t have to go all the way to Scotland to enjoy one because there are hundreds of Games hosted all across the globe!

While some Highland Games consist exclusively of competitions such as Caber Tossing, Hammer Throwing, Weight Over Bar, Shot Put, Tug O’War, Highland Dancing and Piping  – the truth is that no one event is just like the other. Many Highland Games also host festivals alongside the games. Not only can you enjoy the competitions but you can also visit genealogy booths to trace your Scottish roots, attend live concerts, enjoy Scottish food and whisky seminars and shop for clothes and jewelry. They are events the entire family can enjoy!

Learn more with this wonderful YouTube video from www.visitscotland.com

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